About GVPS

Name Green Valley Public School
Address Ratia Road Tohana, Fatehabad Haryana Pin 125120
Email gvpsoffice@gmail.com
Phone Number 9354745395  , 9996645395
Year of Establishment of School 1999
Noc No. 3231
Noc Issuing Date 2/12/1999
Recognized Authority Director Secondary Education Haryana
Status of Affiliation Provisional
Affiliation No 530366
Name of Trust Green Valley  Educational Society
Name of President Gourav Bhutani
President Address Sh.Subhash Chander R/o H.No.671/25 Vikas Nagar Hansi Distt.Hisar
President Phone 98961-45095
School History

Green Valley Public School situated at 3Km Stone, Ratia Road Tohana was established in year with a perspective of impacting education so that the fragrance of it can be felt in years to come. From a small snapping, the school has turned into a blossoming tree in the form of a senior secondary School. Results and achievements have made the school a leader where each and every need of a child id nurtured & cared.
Steps are taken to improve the psychological needs of a child so that he can face the real situations confidently.
School equipped with all the modern world class facilities, prepares the students with latest innovative concepts to attain the heights of glory and success which is quite evident from the achievements.

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